TYPO3 Hintergrund Browserwerk
12 Juli 2016

What distinguishes TYPO3 as enterprise content management system

TYPO3 is one of the most widely used content management systems. As a TYPO3 service provider from Wiesbaden, we work daily on smaller and larger TYPO3 projects. The ability to map enormous complexity in processes and website structures makes the CMS a powerful environment for everyday digital life. It is easy to use for the editor and provides many enhancements and features due to the open-source approach, helping developers achieve their goals faster than non-open source systems. However, there are also some dark sides of the system that we would like to disclose in this blog post.

TYPO3: The high-security system of content management systems

Experience has shown that hardly a second system is so rarely attacked by critical vulnerabilities as TYPO3. Due to the mass distribution in large companies, the customer can assume with high probability that security fixes are released with the greatest care and at a rapid pace and this an enormous security of data integrity and data protection can be guaranteed. Depending on individualization, however, updates can be more or less elaborate. As a rule, cleaner programming rarely has any complications after updates. Nevertheless, in the best case you should always be able to test updates far away from the live environment with the same server settings on a development environment, so that it is possible to ensure that all functions are flawlessly operable even after an update.

The TYPO3 agency landscape

Especially in Germany there are a lot of smaller and larger TYPO3 service providers. Unfortunately, as a Wiesbaden-based TYPO3 agency, we unfortunately have to repeatedly experience that service providers sell the content management system to a customer and ultimately only want to manage the project, since well-known customers often hide behind the requests and, if possible, use them as a reference for the agency should appear. A service provider which does not produce TYPO3 products in-house can seldom optimally assess which solutions are most sensible for the customer and how the projects can be implemented. There are a million ways to do things in TYPO3, and the "botched construction" often starts with the outsourcing of TYPO3 projects to agencies. Really good TYPO3 agencies are unfortunately only found rarely. Again and again, we experience angry customers who no longer want to work with their old agency.

Where are the advantages of TYPO3 now in detail

  • TYPO3 is suitable for larger projects. This means for websites: advanced interfaces (API) programming / connections to third-party systems
  • Compliance with specific safety standards
  • Secured long-term support
  • Ensuring enormous flexibility
  • Multi-site / domain administration
  • Multilingual websites with 50-50,000 individual pages
  • Performance-heavy traffic peaks
  • Individual assignment of workflows for editorial processes
    and much more.

You are planning a project with TYPO3? Then do not hesitate to contact us. Our TYPO3 experts are always happy to help!


Contact us

Office Wiesbaden

Mainzer Straße 75
65189 Wiesbaden