Efficient customer acquisition to ensure capacity utilisation at the Raunheim logistics location.

Simon Hegele Company for Logistics and Service mbH is a fulfilment logistics service provider with over 50 locations worldwide. One of these locations is the multi-user site in the "Airpark Logistic Mönchhof" industrial estate in the immediate vicinity of Frankfurt Airport. With 45,000 m² of logistics and service space in 5 units and 5,000 m2 of office space with a state-of-the-art conference centre, the location is an attractive hub for shipments from all over the world.




Individualised landing page

Creation of a location-specific landing page that presents the logistics location Raunheim in the form of an exposé and a video, as well as explaining the individual services of Simon Hegele Company for Logistics and Service mbH.

Google Ads Campaign

A search network & display campaign was created based on relevant keywords. In addition, a retargeting campaign in the form of display ads was created to remind interested parties of the offer.

Salesforce connection

The mapping of an interface to the Salesforce CRM in the cloud enables Browserwerk to have complete transparency about the acquisition and provides real-time data about current business transactions.


Due to the restructuring of vacant space capacities at the Raunheim location, a fast and efficient customer acquisition was required in order to expand the utilisation of the Raunheim logistics location. As Simon Hegele Company for Logistics and Service mbH is a company in the logistics sector that mainly operates in the B2B sector, the campaign was geared towards this target group. The aim of the campaign was not only to expand the utilisation of the logistics centre. The offers of the globally operating logistics service provider from the field of fulfilment services were also part of the sales and acquisition performance. Due to the fixed monthly acquisition budget, a targeted approach to the target group via the channels relevant to B2B was essential.

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